Community Standards – Residence Halls


Eastern Kentucky University is an alcohol-free campus except for areas designated by the President, including Grand Campus and specific events at the Center for the Arts.

All Residence Halls except Grand Campus (if you are over the age of 21) are alcohol-free. Residents and guests may not consume or be in possession of alcohol in alcohol free locations. Knowingly being in the presence of alcohol may also constitute a violation of University policy. Empty alcoholic beverage containers, either in one’s possession or in one’s assigned room are violations of University regulations, and are not permitted as room decorations. Guests of residents are not permitted to bring alcohol in or around any alcohol-free housing facility. Residence Life staff reserve the right to stop anyone from bringing alcohol into residential facilities. Residents and their guest(s) may be asked to open backpacks, bags, coolers and other containers when entering a Residence Hall. Both residents and guests may be denied entrance if they do not cooperate.

Grand Campus residents and guests of residents may only possess or consume alcohol if the Grand Campus resident and any other persons consuming alcohol are of legal drinking age. Any guests found violating Residence Life policies, including policies related to possessing or consuming alcohol, regardless of age, may be asked to dispose of the alcohol and leave Grand Campus property.

Residents of drinking age must dispose of empty alcoholic beverage containers (cans, bottles, boxes, etc.) properly and in a timely manner. Empty alcoholic beverage containers are not permitted as room decorations, such as empty can pyramids or empty boxes displayed as “trophies,” regardless of the resident’s age.

Per Kentucky State Law (K.R.S. §222.202), and the EKU Housing and Residence Life policy, alcohol may not be consumed on Grand Campus balconies, at the Grand Campus pool, or anywhere other than within the walls of the assigned Grand Campus apartment.


Fish are permitted in the Residence Halls. Fish must be kept in bowls or aquariums of less than 10 gallons. No other animals are permitted to enter or be kept in the Residence Hall. Any resident in violation of this regulation will need to immediately remove the animal from the premises. An exception is made for required service animals or assistance animals approved through the accessibility office. For additional information, contact the Housing and Residence Life office.


Residents may not hang bicycles from ceilings or walls of balconies/patios, and may not store bicycles inside the Residence Halls. Bicycle racks are provided near all Residence Halls for your convenience. Residents are responsible for providing an adequate lock to secure their bicycles. Bicycles left on racks at the end of the academic year will be considered abandoned and removed prior to the beginning of the next academic year.

Bunk Beds and Bed Lofts

Living spaces with twin size beds are able to bunk if both residents wish to do so. It is the resident’s responsibility for ensuring proper placement of bunks and un-bunking of beds. Failure to do so will result in damage charges. Bunk beds may not be placed in front of windows, under sprinkler heads, or in front of heating and air conditioning units. Bed lofts are no longer authorized for use in the residence halls. Bed lofts are no longer allowed in the Residence Halls. Please note that bed risers are also not permitted.

Controlled Substances/Drugs

The manufacture, sale, possession, use, and intent to distribute controlled substances(s) or paraphernalia which has been declared illegal by municipal, state, or federal law is prohibited in or around campus housing. Individuals who partake in this activity are subject to both University and judicial action.


Residents are expected to maintain their living area in an appropriate manner. Each living space will be reviewed by Residence Life staff prior to occupancy and again upon check-out. Residents will be billed for damages/loss of University property when failing to exercise reasonable care. Additionally, damages in common areas (i.e. hallways, elevators, bathrooms, stairwells, etc.) may be billed to all residents assigned to a floor or building.


Residents may personalize their room within established guidelines. Residents residing in a Residence Hall with drywall walls should reference the EKU Housing and Residence Life drywall policy prior to personalizing the space. Housing and Residence Life allows straight pins and thumb tacks to hang items on the walls; all other adhesive material or nails/screws damage walls resulting in damage charges. Fire regulations prohibit covering more than 20% of the walls or room door with flammable material. No decorations may be attached to the ceiling or near fire equipment, including sprinklers.


Residents are expected to immediately report to the University any infectious or contagious disease occurring or existing within the Residence Halls. Please see your Residence Hall Coordinator (RHC) for assistance.

Hall Sports

Hall sports and other potentially dangerous activities are not permitted within any living spaces. Examples of this include wrestling or rough-housing, throwing sports balls or bouncy balls, rollerblading in the hallway, water pong, etc.

Permitted/Prohibited Items

Housing restricts use of electrical appliances within the Residence Halls. All appliances must be connected directly to an outlet or to a UL-approved power strip with a self-contained circuit breaker. Residents must be present when using any cooking appliance or iron within the Residence Hall.

Candles, incense, and any item with an open flame or exposed heat source are potential fire hazards, and thus are prohibited within all living spaces. This policy includes candles that have never been burned and floor heaters.
Please see Device Compatibility for a list of devices that are compatible with the EKU wireless and wired networks.

Eastern Kentucky University takes very seriously the safety of everyone in housing facilities, we cannot allow students to bring certain items into their room or into the building. During fire and safety inspections, university officials will require the removal of prohibited appliances or materials including but not limited to:

  • Permitted Items
  • Air Popcorn Poppers
  • Air Fryers (at Grand Campus or Main Kitchen of any other Hall). Limited to 1,500 watt max.
  • Coffee Pots and Keurig machines
  • Crock-pots / Rice cookers
  • Electric Shavers
  • Hair Dryers
  • Insta-pots
  • Irons
  • Microwave Ovens (less than 700 watts)
  • Power Strips (UL-approved) with circuit breaker
  • Radios
  • Refrigerators (less than 4.5 cubic feet)
  • TVs and Stereos
  • Prohibited Items
  • Adhesive Lights
  • Appliances with open heating flame or element, including but not limited to:
  • Air Fryer
  • Candle or wax warmers
  • Deep fryers
  • Electric or space heaters / Air conditioner units
  • Hot plates
  • George Foreman or similar grills
  • Oil popcorn poppers
  • Open coiled or open flame appliances
  • Convection ovens
  • Induction cooktops
  • Sandwich makers / Quesadilla makers
  • Toaster ovens / Pop-up toasters
  • Candles
  • Burning of incense
  • Ether
  • Extension cords
  • Gasoline, Oil, Kerosene, & Other Flammable Liquids
  • Hoverboards, Electric Scooters, & Similar Transportation Devices
  • Lava lamps
  • Octopus lamps, torchiere lamps, neon lights
  • Outlet Extenders or any device that increases the number of outlets
  • Room Dividers/Screens
  • Bed Risers
  • 5-Gallon Water Cooler Appliances

Garbage Removal

To promote safe and sanitary living conditions, residents are required to bag their trash and place it in the trash chute, floor garbage cans, or dumpsters. Trash should never be left in common areas or hallways. Trash chutes are not designed for heavy items including boxes, furniture, carpets, etc. Please take these items to designated areas within your hall.

Aluminum/steel, plastic, and paper may be recycled in designated areas within each Residence Hall. Residents who must use hypodermic needles and syringes for medical reasons must dispose of these items properly. If needed, a sharps container may be requested upon check-in.

Health and Safety Inspections

Living space inspections are conducted during the semester to maintain safe and sanitary living conditions. Inspection times will be posted at least 24 hours in advance. Residence Life staff, and if necessary, Health and Safety officials, will check for room cleanliness, potential health or safety concerns, and maintenance needs. Residents do not need to be present for inspections.

Each resident is responsible for all activities, behaviors, and items that occur or are found within their assigned living space. By allowing the existence of inappropriate behaviors or items that violate policy, the resident has non verbally consented to the violation(s). Residents are responsible for reporting inappropriate behaviors or prohibited items.

Noise and Quiet Hours

Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day. Residents and their guests are expected to avoid excessive noise in the hallways, common areas, and around the Residence Halls.

Quiet hours are in effect from 9:00pm to 8:00am daily. During quiet hours, Residents and their guests are expected to avoid making noise that can be heard outside the resident’s living space. Twenty-four hour quiet hours will be in effect during final exams.

Operating a Business

Residents are not permitted to carry on any organized business or other commercial activity from their room or within any on-campus residential area. This includes, but is not limited to, cosmetics sales, jewelry sales, and charging for electronic repairs.

Room Entry by Staff

While Housing and Residence Life staff members make every reasonable effort to respect privacy, University officials or staff members have Right of Entry, for the following reasons:

  • In cases of emergency
  • To address maintenance concerns
  • Pest control
  • Health and Safety inspections
  • When resident or guest behavior appears to violate the law, University regulations, or policies

Additionally, Housing and Residence Life staff members may need to enter a room to turn off unattended stereos, radios, persistently ringing alarm clocks or other noise producing objects. The University reserves the right to exercise its right-of-entry in all cases but will make reasonable attempts to notify residents in advance. If residents are believed to be in violation of a University policy, Residence Life staff reserves the right to ask residents to open spaces within the room and to administer sanctions issued thru the disciplinary process.

Safety Devices

Tampering with fire and safety equipment in the residence halls or in any campus building is prohibited. Tampering includes pulling false fire alarms, discharging fire extinguishers, removing exit signs, and interfering with smoke detectors and sprinklers. Students responsible will be assessed for all damages that occur as a result of their tampering with fire and/or safety equipment. In addition, all violators are subject to judicial action, financial restitution, and possible criminal prosecution. All student rooms and stairwells are equipped with closing mechanisms. Tampering with closing mechanisms is prohibited.

Smoking/Use of Tobacco Products

The use of all tobacco products is prohibited on all property that is owned, leased, occupied, or controlled by the University. The Tobacco Free Campus policy includes all forms of tobacco, including, but not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, water pipes (hookah), electronic cigarettes, bidis, clove cigarettes and smokeless tobacco products (snuff, chewing tobacco, and dipping tobacco).


Solicitation is prohibited in campus housing/living spaces except when conducted by a Residence Hall staff member within their scope of duties. Residents are asked to report any violations of this policy to an RHC/RA. University affiliated organizations may have materials posted in designated common areas within the Residence Hall but must first seek approval. Contact EKU Housing and Residence Life for additional information.


Possession of firearms including air pistols, BB guns, pellet guns, paint guns, or other weapons such as ammunition, explosives, fireworks, swords, large knives, sling shots, bow and arrows, look-alikes or replicas of any weapon (Nerf or similar products), etc. is prohibited in and around the residence halls.


Vinyl covered dumbbells up to 50 pounds each and workout sets are permitted in carpeted rooms. Barbells are not permitted in the residence halls.