Call Me MISTER Program

Eastern Kentucky University is part of a national initiative designed to encourage more African-American males to dedicate their lives to becoming role-models in the field of education. The program, named MISTER (the Mentors Instructing Students towards Effective Role Models), began at South Carolina’s Clemson University as a strategy to recruit teachers under the direction of Dr. Roy Jones.

The Call Me MISTER® Program invites all education majors and prospective education majors to become a member of an exciting mentoring and teacher leadership program. According to Dr. Roy Jones, “The MISTERs learn values, leadership skills, mentoring and how to be role models. It is those skills, paired with their academic preparation that will make them distinctive in the classroom.”

How to Apply

Fill out and turn in the following documents to the office listed below.

Call Me MISTER® Program
College of Education
406 Combs Building
521 Lancaster Avenue
Eastern Kentucky University
Richmond, KY 40475

Phone: (859) 622-6678
Cell Phone: (859) 420 8032

More more information contact Dr. Roger Cleveland at

COE Faculty Explain Call Me MISTER