The budget is developed throughout the fiscal year which begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th. The following budget related activities occur within the listed general time frames.
Due to a decade-long level of austerity extending from recurring state General Fund appropriations reductions, combined with soft-to-severe enrollment declines and the emergence of one-time Performance Funding awards, the assumptions, as in prior decades, of the receipt of additional recurring resources, normally a component of internal growth planning, can no longer support annual exercises that assume additional discretionary resources for planning purposes.
July to September
Early monitoring of University enrollment, in direct coordination with the Accounting and Controller and senior Vice President of Finance and Administration functions of the University, in addition to recognizing other sizeable external impacts in conjunction with the University government relations team, captures possible risks for annualized impacts.
September to December
Preliminary forecasts based on pessimistic financial assumptions are completed for tuition and fees as well as considerations of impacts to the University General Fund appropriation and other external resources.
November to February
Vice Presidential or equivalent units submit proposals for funding requests. These include Capital requests, Maintenance & Operating expense budget requests, and requests for additional personnel. Given the existing and assumed level of continued austerity from fiscal year 2008 through the fiscal 2021 period, only minimal growth in any of these categories is possible and is not at all probable.