Alternative Break Program

If you leave college or drop below half-time status, you will begin repaying your federal student loans. Most loans offer a grace period which will allow you time to get financially settled and choose a repayment plan before you begin repaying your loans.

What is an Alternative Break Trip?

An Alternative Break is a trip where a group of college students (usually 10-12) engage in volunteer service for a week. Each trip has a focus on a particular social issue, such as (but not limited to) poverty, education, public health, or the environment. Students learn about the social issues and then perform work on projects with local non-profit organizations, around their respective issues.

Alternative Breaks challenge students to critically think and react to problems faced by members of the involved communities. Being immersed in diverse environments enables participants to experience, discuss, and understand social issues in a significant way.

Trips take place over fall, winter, and spring breaks!

Why Participate?

The aim of the experience is to contribute volunteer hours to communities in need and to positively influence your life. After a trip, Alternative Breakers are empowered to take educated steps toward valuing and prioritizing their own communities in life choices such as recycling, donating resources, voting, etc.

What Are the Costs? What Do They Cover?

The cost for each trip includes transportation, lodging, and any fees for all the trips. Also included in the cost (for most trips) is a provided meal for all meals Monday – Friday, unless the group chooses to eat out.

  • Students will be asked to pay a $25 application fee when they apply for an alternative break.
  • The remaining balance can be paid by setting up a payment plan with our online system, prior to the trip departure.

Apply to be a Student Trip Leader

Your answers on this form are used by our faculty learning partners and staff to catch a glimpse of who you are. They will use this information to determine whether or not to request an interview with you. Please be candid in your application to aid the students in making their decision.

Priority is given to students who have participated in past alternative breaks.

What is a Learning Partner?

While our Alternative Breaks trips are student-led, we are committed to offering service opportunities to all members of the EKU community. We believe faculty and staff bring unique perspectives to the social and environmental issues we address, and can help support our student leaders in their development.
Student Life is committed to sending trips with a carefully selected advisor; not only in case of emergencies, but also for the unique perspective you bring to the trip.

EKU’s Alternative Break trips are led by student leaders. These student leaders are responsible for the trip logistics both before and during the trip, communications with the partner sites, team meetings and development, and facilitating group reflection sessions. Each trip also has a Learning Partner, or advisor.

The most effective Learning Partners serve as a resource to the trip Site Leaders and participants.

Note: Due to Fair Labor laws, Learning Partners must be members of the faculty, exempt staff members, or graduate assistants (with a supervisor’s permission)

For more information on becoming a Faculty/Staff Learning Partner, please call 859-622-3855.

Learning Partners Add to the Alternative Break Experience by:

  • Adding hers/his/their valuable experience and knowledge to the trip and its participants, as guidance during service and service reflection
  • Being a mature influence who encourages students to make good decisions
  • Adding educational value to the trip by contributing their life and professional perspectives
  • Acting as a resource for partner agencies by providing advice and/or support
  • Building relationships with student trip leaders and participants while in a non-traditional role
  • Encouraging long-term relationships between the Alternative Break program and other EKU offices
  • Supporting the trip leaders in the case of an accident or emergency
  • Potentially being a van driver

Expectations of Learning Partners:

  • Participate in all trip service, reflection, and in the group experience while on the alternative break trip such as group living and cooking
  • Be accessible to trip leaders to provide mentorship and facilitate leadership development
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively with trip leaders
  • Communicate and collaborate effectively with community organization representatives
  • Be prepared to facilitate conflict resolution strategies
  • Be prepared to help participants process service and education experiences
  • Be prepared to help trip leaders manage stress, logistics, conflict, exhaustion, and crisis (as issues may arise)
  • Be prepared to share your thoughts, knowledge, and experiences, as it relates to the trip issue, with participants
  • Complete appropriate follow-up activities, evaluations, and program documentation with participants
  • Be prepared to take leadership in the event of an emergency, or if she/he/they have the opportunity to prevent an emergency

In Addition, Learning Partners:

  • Are not meant to micromanage or plan for the trip, but provide leadership in the event of a crisis and help ensure all students are abiding by agreed upon student conduct contracts
  • Are encouraged, although not required, to participate in pre/post trip activities, as available.
  • Will attend trip for no charge
  • Depending on trip, most meals will be covered as well
  • Any site seeing, dining out, or other such activities must be covered by the individual
  • Any “flex time” must be worked out between the Learning Partner and their supervisor/department chair prior to agreeing to participate

What Do Past Learning Partners Say?