African and African American Studies: Student Resources

Academic Organizations

  • African Studies Association (ASA): The leading academic organization encouraging an exchange of information about Africa, ASA awards prizes in the field, publishes the African Studies Review, and holds an annual conference.
  • Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH): One of the leading black history associations, formed by Carter G. Woodson, ASALH publishes the Journal of African American History and holds an annual conference.
  • H-Africa: H-Africa is part of H-Net, an international scholarly online community centered around the humanities. Subscribers to H-Africa become part of the academic conversation in the field of African history.
  • H-AfroAm: An H-Net forum dedicated to discussion and news relating to the African American experience. Note that there are sub-forums on topics like West Africa, Slavery, African American Art, and more.

Nonprofit, Public, and Activist Organizations

Nonprofit, Public, and Activist Organizations

The EKU African/African American Studies LibGuide is an excellent place to begin a research project in the field. It’s a specially-dedicated LibGuide on the library site, which highlights the best research resources the EKU library offers in the field, including databases and primary source collections. However, here are a few other research resources that might be helpful:

  • The Root: A popular online source for news, opinion, gossip, and analysis related to the black experience in the US.
  • The Grio: An online news site and division of MSNBC dedicated to African American news, culture, and opinion.
  • AllAfrica: An aggregate news site compiling stories from over 140 separate African news organizations.
  • The Africa Report: A monthly news publication covering the continent’s recent news, culture, and politics.
  • BBC Africa: The BBC’s African news coverage, in both online and radio form.