Academic Integrity and Grading

Academic dishonesty can occur in different forms, some of which include cheating, plagiarism, and fabrication. The University treats all instances of academic dishonesty seriously. Anyone who knowingly assists in any form of academic dishonesty shall be considered as responsible as the student who accepts such assistance and shall be subject to the same sanctions.

Academic Integrity and Grading

Possible grades that faculty members can give students are as follows:

  • “F” Grade for the test, assignment, or activity. Students who receive this grade cannot drop the course.
  • “F” Grade for the course. Students who receive this grade cannot drop this course during the semester but can retake the course the next semester or at another time. After a student retakes the course, the grade earned will replace the original F grade.

Other appropriate educational sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the following: educational sanctions, removal from the course, community service, precluded from graduating with honors.

Suggested Educational Sanctions

Possible Academic Integrity Sanctions could include: rewriting the paper/assignment; watching an academic integrity video and writing a response, writing an essay about plagiarism, fabrication, or cheating; attending a seminar on issues of ethics, social responsibility or academic integrity or other activities that will help students understand academic dishonesty prevention.

End-of-Semester Final Grade Submission

Students Who Do Meet with the Faculty Member or Instructor:
If a mid-term or final grade is to be reported to the University during the pendency of the academic integrity procedures, the responsible faculty member shall report an “incomplete” for the involved student until the final resolution of the matter. You may also send the case to the Academic Integrity Office and we will assist with the matter or meet with the student.

Students Who Stop Attending Class:
At the end of the semester if a student stops attending class after notification of an Academic Integrity violation and fails to sign the Academic Integrity Sanction Form to indicate whether he or she will appeal or accept the sanction, the responsible faculty member shall report an “incomplete” for the involved student until the final resolution of the matter.

Appeals Hearings Scheduled After the Semester Grades are Submitted:
At the end of the semester during final grade submission, if a student has an alleged AI violation and has indicated that he or she wants to appeal the violation and sanction, but the hearing is scheduled to occur after final grades are due, the responsible faculty member shall report an “incomplete” for the involved student until the final resolution of the matter.