Environmental Health & Safety
As part of the Division of Public Safety, Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S) is responsible for overseeing the environmental, health, and safety needs of the University and its extended campuses. EH&S oversees Emergency Management, Public Safety, EKU Police, and Risk Management & Insurance.
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EH&S Areas
EH&S Mission, Vision & Values
To support and advance the teaching, learning and research activities of the University through promotion and enhancement of a safe and healthy campus environment by providing and coordinating programs and services that minimize safety, health, and environmental and regulatory risks to the Eastern Kentucky University community in a manner consistent with responsible fiscal, environmental and occupational stewardship.
We will provide a culture of positive influence wherein we empower others to take personal responsibility and ownership in process to reduce and eliminate known occupational and environmental hazards. Each member of the University community has the responsibility to work within the framework of established safety, risk management and emergency management programs, policies and/or guidelines. Each individual is also responsible for carrying out their activities in a manner that will protect those involved, the rest of the University community, the general public, and the environment by minimizing loss of resources including property, personnel and processes.
As part of the Division of Public Safety, Environmental Health & Safety is responsible for overseeing the environmental, health, and occupational safety needs of the University and its extended campuses.
Our department will be comprised of individuals committed to our mission and values, and the application for the highest professional practices and standards.
We will provide quality services to our customers by understanding their individual needs, by recognizing and defining our roles and responsibilities, by empowering and requiring accountability of ourselves, and by measuring our effectiveness.
Our services will be seamless and respected throughout all areas of EH&S, RM&I and EM responsibility and will be nationally recognized as a model of health and safety partnership.
We will create and maintain a flexible and supportive work environment where we can achieve our full potential, freely express ourselves, participate in team-based decisions, recognize and celebrate our achievements, acknowledge, our shortcomings, and welcome change as means for continual improvement.
Responsibility for health, safety, environmental protection, risk management, insurance and emergency management will be an integral performance requirement of all employees and students of EKU.
Treat each other, and all members of the University’s diverse and multi-cultural community, with professionalism, integrity, sensitivity and respect.
Promote a trusting and honest workplace environment through teamwork and mutual support.
Maintain a strong work ethic by keeping our word and taking responsibility for our work and actions.
Create a workplace environment that encourages the development of professional and personal growth and integrity.
Even little things matter to us.
Guides & Resources
Contact Information
Environmental Health & Safety
Burnam House
Fax: 859-622-1258