Established to recognize “creative, self-motivated exemplars of the ideal college professor.” All full-time tenured faculty are eligible for the two-year professorship which comes with an extra salary stipend of $5,000 a year. The selection is based on the University’s standard criteria for promotion, tenure and merit. Selection currently is made by a committee composed of members of the Society of Foundation Professors.
2023-24 Society of Foundation Professor Officers
- President: Dr. Cynthia Resor
- Vice President: Dr. Myra Beth Bundy
- Secretary: Dr. Tom Appleton
For more information on how to become a Foundation Professor, visit Foundation Professorship Nominations, Evaluation, and Selection Procedures.
John D. Rowlett Endowed Fund for Faculty Scholarship, Research, or Professional Development
- 2019 – Dr. Erin Presley – English
- 2020 – Dr. Guenter Schuster, Biology (retired)
- 2021 – Dr. Bernardo Scarambone, Music
- 2022 – Dr. Amanda Strasik, Art History
- 2023 – Dr. Richard Crosby, Music
- 2025 – Dr. Brent Shannon, English
The Society of Foundation Professors is grateful to the Rowlett Family for their support of the Dr. John D. Rowlett Endowed Fund for Faculty Scholarship, Research, or Professional Development. Their generosity provided largest grant award in the University. The Dr. John D. Rowlett Award for Faculty Scholarship, Research, or Professional Development is a premier award for EKU faculty.
Make a gift to the Rowlett Fund for Faculty Professional Development.
Graduate Research Poster Award
EKU’s Society of Foundation Professors recognizes the Best Graduate Research Poster at the annual Scholar’s Week.
2023 Award
Shruthi Chinthireddy, a graduate student pursuing a Master’s degree in Public Health, was selected by a panel of three Foundation Professors as the 2023 recipient of the Society’s Best Graduate Research Poster Award. Shruthi’s poster ‘Triggers of Migraine Headaches in Kentucky College Students’ was presented as part of EKU Scholars Week.
Article I. Name of Organization
The name of this association shall be the Society of Foundation Professors.
Article II. Purpose
The Society of Foundation Professors is formed to serve the University by promoting academic excellence in all areas of the University. To whatever degree possible, the SFP takes a leadership role in supporting research, scholarship, and creativity – primarily among faculty but also in the student body. Among other duties, the SFP selects recipient(s) of the Rowlett Award, honors the newly named Foundation Professors at an annual Induction Banquet, names honorary Foundation Professors, selects recipients of the Blanchard Service Award, in response to promotional activities by other University units, such as Development, the Alumni Office, and the President’s Office.
Article III. Membership
Section 1. Eligibility for Membership
Foundation Professors are selected by the Foundation Professor Selection Committee and appointed by the President of the University. Once inducted, Foundation Professor shall be members of the Society of Foundation Professors.
Section 2. Rights of Membership
All members of the Society of Foundation Professors shall be eligible to vote on matters brought before the Society at scheduled and special meetings.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 1. Regular Meetings
Regular meetings shall be held twice during each fall and spring semester. The second meeting of the spring semester shall be the Induction Banquet. Meeting shall follow the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2. Notice of Meetings
Notice of meeting shall be given not less than one week in advance via email by the President or the Secretary of the Society.
Section 3. Special Meetings
Special meetings may be called by the President or any member of the Executive Committee of the Society.
Section 4. Quorum.
A quorum shall consist of at least 10 members of the Society who are present in person or electronically.
Section 5. Voting
Voting shall be done by a simple majority of those members who are present in person or electronically and eligible to vote.
Article V. Officers
The officers of the Society shall be the President, Vice President, and Secretary. These four shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Section I. President
The President shall have the following duties:
A. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Society;
B. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Executive Committee;
C. He/she shall act on behalf of the Society at regular and special meetings
D. Work with secretary to update website on a regular basis. –
E. He/she may assign other officers or members such duties as deemed necessary and appropriate.
F. Work with Society officers and University administration to plan the spring Induction Banquet.
Section 2. Vice-President
The Vice Pres. shall have the following duties:
A. The Vice Pres. shall perform all duties of the President during the absence of the President.
B. He/she shall chair such committees as deemed appropriate by the President and other such duties as may, from time to time, be determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 3. Secretary.
The Secretary’s duty shall consist of the following:
A. He/she shall record and preserve Minutes for all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Committee;
B. He/she shall be responsible for all official correspondence from the Executive Committee and Society as may be prescribed by the Executive Committee or the President;
C. Work with president to update website on a regular basis. –
D. He/she shall transfer the archived records to the next Secretary, and deposit the records in the EKU Archives.
Section 5. Election of Officers
Election shall take place by secret ballot conveyed electronically via email after the spring meeting and prior to the spring Induction Banquet. A simple majority of all those who cast a vote on the electronic secret ballot elects each officer. Election of officers should be staggered. President and Secretary should be elected in even numbered years; Vice-president shall be elected in odd-numbered years.
At least 1 officer of the three officers should be current faculty/ current EKU employee.
Nominations for officers will be taken at the spring meeting.
Section 6. Standing Committees
The standing committees are as follows:
Rowlett Award Selection Committee
Awards and Honors Committee (Formerly the Blanchard Awards Selection Committee and Honorary Foundation Professors Committee)
Special and Ad Hoc Committees shall be formed when needed.
Membership on these committees shall be comprised of Society volunteers or nominees. At least 1 member of these committees shall continue service for more than one year.
Section 7. Removal of Officers
For just cause, officers may be removed by 2/3 vote of members who are present in-person or electronically and voting at regularly scheduled or specially called meeting of the Society. A minimum of one week notice shall be given to the officer for being considered for removal and to the members of the Society prior to the meeting when voting will take place. The officer shall have the opportunity to speak on his/her own behalf at this meeting prior to the vote.
Article VI. Amendments to Bylaws
Bylaws may be amended at the meeting of the Society by a majority of votes when notice of pending action has been sent to members at least two weeks in advance of the meeting.
Article VII. Guidelines for Foundation Professor Selection Committee – EKU Regulation 4.6.15
The Foundation Professor Selection Committee shall operate under the approved policies and procedures located on the EKU website.
Foundation Professorship Selection Committee (FPSC) Page 3 of 3 a. The President shall choose the FPSC from the body of active Foundation Professors and announce his/her choices of members, alternates, and chair of the FPSC on the annual University committee list. b. Members shall serve for three-year terms. Terms will be staggered. c. The committee shall consist of an odd number of members. d. Alternate members will also be appointed to the Committee to be available to serve on an as needed basis.
Revised, Updated, and Approved March 22, 2023
Recipient | Department | Awarded |
Dr. Todd Gooch | History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies | 2024-26 |
Dr. Jason Koontz | Music | 2024-26 |
Dr. Lisa Kay | Mathematics and Statistics | 2023-25 |
Dr. Matthew Winslow | Psychology | 2023-25 |
Dr. Mike Austin | History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies | 2022-24 |
Dr. Gary Brown | Environmental Health Science | 2022-24 |
Dr. Jennifer Spock | History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies | 2021-23 |
Dr. Myra Beth Bundy | Psychology | 2021-23 |
Dr. Walter Borowski | Geosciences (retired) | 2020-22 |
Dr. Carol Sommer | Educational Leadership & Counselor Education | 2020-22 |
Dr. Dana M. Howell | Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy | 2019-21 |
Dr. Cynthia Williams Resor | Curriculum and Instruction (retired) | 2019-21 |
Dr. Stephanie McSpirit | Anthropology, Sociology and Social Work | 2018-20 |
Dr. Charlotte Rich | English and Theatre | 2018-20 |
Dr. Kevin Minor | School of Justice Studies | 2017-19 |
Dr. Kelli Carmean | Anthropology, Sociology, and Social Work (retired) | 2017-19 |
Dr. Shirley O’Brien | Occupational Science | 2016-18 |
Dr. Tom Appleton | History (retired) | 2015-17 |
Mr. David Afsah-Mohallatee | Art & Design | 2015-17 |
Dr. Richard Crosby | School of Music (retired) | 2014-16 |
Dr. Ken Tunnell | Criminal Justice and Police Studies (retired) | 2014-16 |
Dr. Allen Engle | Management | 2013-15 |
Dr. Beverly Hart | Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing (retired) | 2012-14 |
Dr. Rodney White | Curriculum & Instruction (retired) | 2011-13 |
Dr. Patrick Costello | Mathematics & Statistics (retired) | 2010-12 |
Dr. Joe Molinaro | Art & Design | 2009-11 |
Dr. Elizabeth Hansen | Communication (retired) | 2008-10 |
Dr. Robert Mitchell | Psychology | 2008-10 |
Dr. David Zurick | Geography | 2007-09 |
Dr. Victor Kappeler | Criminal Justice & Police Studies (retired) | 2007-09 |
Dr. Ronald L. Jones | Biological Sciences | 2006-08 |
Dr. John Curra | Sociology (retired) | 2005-07 |
Dr. Judy Short | Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing (retired) | 2004-06 |
Dr. Jerry D. Cook | Physics & Astronomy (retired) | 2003-05 |
Dr. Dorothy M. Sutton | English & Theatre (retired) | 2002-04 |
Dr. William W. Farrar | Biological Sciences (retired) | 2001-03 |
Dr. Robert G. Brubaker | Psychology (retired) | 2000-02 |
Dr. Ella F. Hunter | Baccalaureate & Graduate Nursing (retired) | 2000-02 |
Dr. Guenter A. Schuster | Biological Sciences | 2000-02 |
Dr. Steven D. Falkenberg | Psychology (retired) | 1999-01 |
Dr. Donald L. Greenwell | Mathematics & Statistics | 1999-01 |
Dr. Don E. Ryoti | Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science (retired) | 1998-00 |
Dr. Gary K. Ritchison | Biological Sciences (retired) | 1998-00 |
Dr. H. Andrew Harnack | English (retired) | 1998-00 |
Dr. Charles L. Elliott | Biological Sciences | 1997-99 |
Dr. Charles F. Whitaker | English (retired) | 1997-99 |
Dr. John E. Gump | Information Systems (retired) | 1997-99 |
Dr. Paula D. Kopacz | English (retired) | 1996-98 |
Dr. Paul Blanchard | Government (Political Science) (deceased) | 1996-98 |
Dr. Pamela V. Moore | Nursing | 1996-98 |
Dr. Harry N. Brown | English (retired) | 1995-97 |
Dr. William F. Jones | Philosophy (retired) | 1995-97 |
Dr. Isabelle B. White | English (retired) | 1995-97 |
Dr. Jerry E. Joyner | Technology (retired) | 1994-96 |
Dr. Gary W. Cordner | Safety, Security & Emergency Management (Police Administration) (retired) | 1994-96 |
Dr. John L. Meisenheimer, Sr. | Chemistry (retired) | 1994-96 |
Dr. Amy C. King | Mathematics, Statistics, & Computer Science (deceased) | 1993-95 |
Dr. William E. Ellis | History (retired) | 1993-95 |
Dr. John P. Harley | Biological Sciences | 1993-95 |
Dr. Charles A. Sweet, Jr. | English & Theatre (retired) | 1992-94 |
Dr. Paul C. Motley | Sports Science (Physical Education) (retired) | 1992-94 |
Dr. Doug Burnham | Social Work (retired) | 1992-94 |
Dr. Reid A. Luhman | Sociology (retired) | 1991-93 |
Dr. Karl F. Kuhn, Sr. | Physics & Astronomy (retired) | 1991-93 |
Dr. Ron G. Wolfe | Communication (deceased) | 1991-93 |
Dr. Harold R. Blythe, Jr. | English & Theatre (retired) | 1990-92 |
Dr. Christopher E. Laird | Physics & Astronomy (retired) | 1990-92 |
Dr. James W. Masterson | Technology (retired) | 1990-92 |
Dr. Stephen W. Fardo | Technology (retired) | 1989-91 |
Dr. Merita L. Thompson | Health Education (retired) | 1989-91 |
Dr. Esther K. Leung | Special Education (retired) | 1988-90 |
Dr. Michael H. Bright | English (retired) | 1988-90 |
Dr. Robert R. Sharp | Economics (retired) | 1988-90 |
Dr. Branley A. Branson | Biological Sciences (retired) | 1988-90 |