The mission of EKU’s General Education Program is to promote learning that is central to the intellectual pursuits associated with our educational programs and to enable students to make informed choices about matters of public and personal significance in a diverse, democratic society and global community. Our program helps students to become informed, independent thinkers by developing competencies in communication, quantitative analysis, and critical thinking and by helping them understand and appreciate the diversity of culture, individuals, the natural environment, and the global society.
University General Education Committee (UGEC) meetings: UGEC meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month of the fall and spring semesters. These meetings are open to the campus community for informational purposes; only members are allowed to speak during meetings. If you would like to observe an upcoming meeting, please email one of the committee co-chairs (Erin Presley or J.P. Stearns) to obtain the Zoom link.
2024 – 2026 Cycle
General Education Assessment Resources:
Questions? Please contact:
Erin Presley and JP Stearns (General Education Committee, Co-Chairs, 2023-2026)
Jennifer Wies and Bethany Miller (Academic Planning and Assessment Committee Co-Chairs)