Accounting & Financial Services

Accounting & Financial Services

The Office of Accounting and Financial Services establishes and maintains efficient accounting and budgetary systems and controls which demonstrate accountability and effective stewardship of University and Foundation financial resources. This office also provides timely, useful financial information and services to all constituencies. Included are: financial transactions of the University, including monthly and annual financial statements, accounts payable, student refunds, and externally funded programs.

Student Organization Accounts

This group of accounts is maintained to account for the resources held by the institution as custodian or fiscal agent for organizations recognized by the Student Life & First Year Experience and the University. Services provided to the organizations are check preparation and maintenance of accounting records. Deposits are made at the Division of Student Accounting Services. These accounts cannot be established to supplement a department budget account, for an educational activity, or to account for private gifts or funding. New accounts must be approved by the Student Life & First Year Experience.

Accounts Payable

All authorized expenditures for the University are analyzed and processed for payment. Each transaction is pre-audited prior to payment for availability of funds, receiving report, invoices, price extension, correct account number, mailing address and comparison of vendor invoices with purchase order and receiving report.

Accounts Payable
Jones Building, Room 213
Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

A Direct Payment Request is a method to process payment for common or small dollar purchases.

The Direct Payment Request Form is available on Jaggaer. If you need assistance completing the form, contact Accounts Payable at 622-1810.

The following Direct Payment transactions have been pre-approved by the Director of Purchases & Stores and the Director of Accounting & Financial Services.

  • Dues, conference registrations fees, library books
  • Payments to federal, state, city, or county agency
  • Royalties
  • Utilities
  • Hotel charges (billed directly to University)
  • Motor Fuel
  • Subscriptions (directories, or any publication requiring prepayment)
  • Freight (Fed Ex, UPS, etc.) not tied to a PO
  • Candidate Reimbursement
  • Insurance premiums (except brokerage fees)
  • Accreditation Fees
  • Stipends
  • Legal settlements signed by University Counsel

Note: Only approved licensed vendors may be used when purchasing items with EKU logos.

If an employee loses a paycheck, they should immediately notify Human Resources. All other checks should be immediately reported to the Accounts Payable Department. This office will issue a stop-payment request to be filed with the bank and prepare a new check to replace the lost one. If applicable, a bond form must be signed which can be obtained in this office, to indemnify the University against loss in the event both checks are subsequently cashed. The new check will then be issued, and can be picked up in the Accounts Payable office located in the Jones Building, Room 213. Our hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.

General Accounting

The General Accounting Office sends detailed accounting of all receipts and disbursements in monthly reports to each department chair. These reports serve as a means of budget control and are designed to assist in financial decision-making. These financial documents permit an analysis of a particular budget activity as well as the entire University at a particular point in time. Our staff also prepares monthly reconciliations for all University-maintained bank accounts.

General Accounting Office
Jones Building, Room 213
Mon-Fri: 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

The Division of Accounting and Financial Services conducts an annual physical inventory of campus to verify changes to university owned equipment and furnishings. Announcements on EKU Today notify staff in each building when a representative will conduct an inventory. Departments and divisions should ensure that someone can provide access to their area.

All items valued at $5,000 receive property identification tags and are added to the departmental inventory listing.

An accounting employee inventories assets on a rotating schedule every three years. If assets in an area are not inventoried by accounting for the current fiscal year, each department is responsible for completing its own inventory. Our division emails checklists during January that must be completed, signed, dated, and returned to the Plant Fund Accountant in Accounting-Coates CPO 3A by April 30.

Inform the Plant Fund Accountant in writing of all changes in the status of physical inventory. These may include the movement of equipment and furnishings from one location to another, the return of equipment to the vendor, or the replacement of destroyed or lost inventory tags. Forms for inventory surplus and transfer are available. Direct any questions regarding inventory to the Plant Fund Accountant.

The Division of Accounting and Financial Services provides accounting and report services to the EKU Foundation. The EKU Foundation was founded to cooperate with Eastern Kentucky University in the promotion of the educational, civic, and charitable purposes of the University. This purpose includes the encouragement of scholarship and research and the promotion of the prestige, expansion, and development of its physical plant, the improvement of its faculty and the assistance of its students and alumni.

Jacob Pekola is the Foundation Accountant.

For more information about the EKU Foundation and opportunities for support contact the Division of University Development.

Interaccounts allow one department or organization on campus to bill another for goods or services. Please complete interaccount requests on the Expense Transfer form.

If the transaction has already occurred, complete an Expenditure Transfer form.

Accounting & Financial Services verifies that funds are available before processing transfers and will hold approvals until they are. We will not accept any prior year form after the year-end closing deadline. If you have any concerns about these procedures, contact Angela Burrows, Director of Accounting and Financial Services at 859-622-1814 or

Payroll Office

The Payroll Office is entrusted with providing timely and accurate compensation to all EKU personnel. We strive to provide excellent customer service to our EKU family and maintain all federal, state, local, and University requirements.

Our duties include processing semi-monthly and biweekly payrolls, levies, garnishments, child support, and tax forms. We are also responsible for providing payroll schedules, processing of federal, state, and local tax deposits, year end W2s, and labor redistributions.

Active Employee: Log into EKU Direct with your EKU single sign-on credentials to find your W-2 Wage and Tax Statements under the Employee Menu, Tax Forms, W2 Year End Earning Statement.

Inactive Employee: Employees that have separated from the university will receive a W2 via U.S. mail using the last permanent address on record with Human Resources.

Active Employee: Log into EKU Direct with your EKU single sign-on credentials to find your pay stub under the Employee Menu, Pay Information, EKU Pay Stubs.

Inactive Employee: Contact Payroll and, after our ability to verify your identity, we can print and mail your pay stub information in report format. We do not have the ability to print a stub as you would have viewed it in EKU Direct.

Direct deposit is required for all EKU employees. Log into EKU Direct with your EKU single sign-on credentials to set up your direct deposit under the Employee Menu, Pay Information, Direct Deposit Allocation.

You may also complete a Direct Deposit Form and take it in person to Human Resources, Jones Room 203 with a voided check or documentation from the bank indicating the account and routing numbers. For additional questions, please contact HR. The direct deposit form will not be accepted by any other means than in person.

Consider this before updating your direct deposit: If your scheduled pay day is within 2-3 days consider holding off on the change to direct deposit until after the payroll is processed. This will ensure your funds arrive when expected. Closed accounts will eventually return funds to EKU at which time we will void and reissue payment, but this could take up to as much as a week after the original pay date before this occurs.

Your social security card reflecting the name change must be taken to Human Resources in person; Jones Room 203.

Use the Address Change form. Make the needed corrections on the change form and take it to Human Resources; Jones Room 203. Retirement system members should also complete the KERS or KTRS address change form and forward to the Human Resources retirement specialist.

CAUTION! Did your work location change as a result of this change in address? If yes, please complete a new occupational tax form as you should each time your work location changes. Also make certain that your work location in Banner reflects where you really work from.

Submit an updated Federal W-4 or State K-4 and mail to Payroll Office, Coates CPO3A. We suggest contacting your tax advisor if you have questions about completing the form(s). Blank forms are available at the following websites:

Requests for verification of employment can be faxed to Human Resources at 859-622-6667 or delivered to HR in Jones 203. A contact number is required for notification that the verification is ready.

Please contact payroll who in turn will collaborate with HR for correction of the issue. HR manages a portion of web-time entry as does payroll. For this reason, please start with payroll and we will incorporate HR into the issue as needed.

Assuming that all necessary approved paperwork has been received by Human Resources by the cutoff date :

  • Spring semester: February 15th-May 31st each calendar year
  • Fall semester: September 15th-December 31st each calendar year

Please note: If the paperwork is delayed, then the pay is divided over the remaining payrolls for the semester for part-time faculty.

Assuming that all necessary approved paperwork has been received by Human Resources by the cutoff date:

  • Spring semester: January 15th-May 15th each calendar year
  • Fall semester: August 31st-December 15th each calendar year

Please note: If the paperwork is delayed, then the pay is divided over the remaining payrolls for the semester for graduate assistants.

Students must submit 1 time card each if working both institutional and federal work study or per job if working more than 1 job.

Completed original timesheets must be delivered to Jones, Room 213 or mailed to PAYROLL, CPO 3A. Copies, faxes or emailed copies cannot be accepted for processing per internal audit requirements.