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Eastern Kentucky University

Housing and Residence Life

Housing & Residence Life 5 Living Learning Communities

Living Learning Communities

Find Your Circle

Living Learning Communities provide students the opportunity to connect with someone as soon as they arrive on EKU’s campus. LLC’s consist of a group of students with similar majors or interests who live on the same floor or floors of a Residence Hall.

In many cases, students who participate in a Living Learning Community are more likely to stay in college and tend to have higher GPA’s than those who do not participate in these communities. Because of their LLC experience, students are also better able to connect with each other, along with all of the faculty and staff connected with LLC’s. Finally, LLC’s give students the opportunity to explore the region, participate in shared coursework and start the path towards academic success at EKU.

Take a look at all of the living learning community options and look at the LLC Highlights to see what might be a great fit for you.

*LLCs are subject to change year to year.

How to Apply for an LLC


Prospective Students

  • Students interested in participating in LLC’s will indicate interest on their EKU Housing Applications (available when the Housing Application opens).
  • Please follow the instructions on the EKU Housing Application, including the 150 word statement describing your interest in the LLC(s) you selected.
  • Students will begin receiving acceptance e-mails to their EKU e-mail account starting in early Spring on a rolling basis from when the LLC application was submitted.
  • If accepted, you will select a space within your LLC during First-Year Room Selection in May.
  • In order to ensure participation in a LLC for the 2024-2025 academic year, your EKU Housing Application must be complete by April 1.

Current EKU Students

  • LLC Applications are due February 1, 2023 at 11:59 PM. Current students can apply for LLC’s by completing their housing application and paying the $100 Housing Commitment Fee.
  • Choose your LLC on interest on your Housing Application and check your EKU E-mail for acceptance. You must respond to the e-mail to be admitted to the LLC.

If you have any questions, please contact Housing and Residence Life.

Academy Scholars

Previously known as Freshman Academy

*Who?* For students participating in and accepted to the Academy Scholars program through the Center for Inclusive Excellence and Global Engagement (CIEGE).

*What?*  The Academy Scholars LLC is an engaging community based around supporting students in the Academy Scholars program. Residents will receive career and major guidance, have monthly contemporary event discussions, and join community-planned social events.



LLC Highlights

  • This community hosts career-building workshops, discussion groups on contemporary topics, and engaging social events.
  • The Academy connects first-year students with their fellow classmates, and introduces them to EKU faculty, staff, and student leaders who will provide ongoing support throughout their college career at EKU and beyond.

American Sign Language

*Who?* For students who are an ASL native signer, plan to be an ASLIE major/minor, or have fluency with American Sign Language.

*What?* The American Sign Language LLC provides students with a unique experience to engage themselves in ASL and deaf culture. Students who participate in the LLC agree to only use ASL in common spaces on the floor and participate in various programs across the EKU campus and Richmond community. As part of a partnership with the ASLIE Department, students will have the opportunity to not only connect with peers but also faculty and staff committed to their student success.


LLC Highlights

  • Programs focused on connecting students to professionals and alumni in the area, including opportunities to connect with Interpreters in the area to hear about their professional journey
  • ASL Story Night, Mock Interviews for the Interpreter Education Program, Movie Nights, holiday parties and special events.
  • Ability to engage with the American Sign Language Student Association

Colonel's Barracks

*Who?* For students in the ROTC program.

*What?* The Colonel’s Barracks LLC provides a home for students participating in the ROTC Program at EKU. The community incorporates the values of the Army and ROTC program to provide a unique community and experience for students. Students who live with Colonel’s Barracks have the opportunity to develop themselves as leaders alongside a close-knit community.


LLC Highlights

  • Challenge yourself on the repel tower.
  • Special events for members of Colonel’s Barracks centered around the values of the Army and what it means to be a member of The Colonel’s Battalion
  • Meet your Military Science and Leadership faculty at the annual ROTC breakfast.

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in the Colonel’s Barracks LLC will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course with fellow residents.

Colonel Pride

*Who?* For current or incoming students interested in living in and advocating for a safe environment for gender identity, sexuality and expression.

*What?* The Colonel Pride LLC is designed for all EKU students who wish to live in and advocate for a safe environment for gender identity, sexuality, and expression, as well as for students who demonstrate they are allies for LGBTQ+ issues. The space will also serve as a think tank for ways to solve social injustice on campus by collaborating with the Center for Inclusive Excellence and Global Engagement (CIEGE).


*Who?* For Education majors or students who might be interested in the education field.

*What?* The Education LLC is one of the first steps to success as an Education major at EKU. Students who live in the community will attend special “meet and greets” with School of Education faculty and staff, learn about the variety of specialties in Education as a career, as well as form close bonds with fellow Education majors.


LLC Highlights

  • Workshops solely for Education majors focused on what it takes to be a successful first-year student in the major
  • Informational events related to education where members of the learning community learn further about topics specific to them as education majors and future educators.

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in the Education LLC will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course with fellow residents.

First Colonels

*Who?* For First-generation college students (first to come to college in their family).

*What?* The First Colonels LLC provides an opportunity for its members to explore what it means to be a successful college student, and have opportunities for additional activities and support at EKU. This close-knit community allows students to explore the EKU and Richmond community in an engaging and exciting environment.


LLC Highlights

  • We do social and academic events. In the past, we have had mixers, snack and chats, and have set up a dinner with faculty and staff who were also First Generation college students.
  • Academic support workshops including time management, study strategies, test anxiety, stress management, and more.
  • Ability to connect with fellow First Generation students and faculty/staff at EKU committed to the success of First Generation students.
  • Residents have the option to connect with mentors from a variety of academic departments and programs at EKU as well as peer mentors.

Flight Deck

*Who?* For students majoring in Aviation.

*What?* The Flight Deck LLC is an unique opportunity for Aviation students to live and learn together during their time at EKU. Residents spend time learning about career exploration, and participate in exciting traditions such as Movie Night in the hangar of the regional airport, or trips to local museums and attractions.


LLC Highlights

  • Annual events at the Madison County Airport, giving students the opportunity to connect with professionals and faculty members in the Aviation department
  • Trips and behind the scenes tours of various airports/aviation spots in the surrounding area (previous trips have included the Louisville International Airport)
  • Meet and Greet with a variety of aviation experts
  • Movie night at the Central Kentucky Regional Airfield

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in Flight Deck will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course with fellow residents.


*Who?* For students majoring/minoring in Forensic Science.

*What?* The ForSci LLC is the home for new forensic scientists. Forensic Science majors will enjoy events including real forensic lab tours, murder mystery nights, and fire safety training. Students who live in ForSci will have multiple opportunities to interact and connect with forensic professionals and faculty. The ForSci LLC will endeavor to encourage and inspire you to become the next generation of forensic scientists.


LLC Highlights

  • Monthly Sherlock Seminar Series in the residence hall and hosted by Forensic Science faculty and professionals in the field
  • Opportunities to visit forensic and crime labs across the region
  • Yearly semester kick off cookout
  • Relax with movie nights
  • Special events at the Forensic Science Crime House, including a Murder Mystery Night, and events with the Forensic Science student club

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in the ForSci LLC will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course with fellow residents.

Health Sciences

*Who?* For students majoring/minoring in degree programs in the College of Health Sciences.

*What?* The Health Sciences LLC is the home for students in the College of Health Sciences. From Nursing to Occupational Therapy to Recreation and Park Administration, there is truly a space for everyone in the LLC. Health Sciences LLC members will enjoy events and special perks focused on helping students connect with others with similar majors, as well as ensure success in their academic endeavors. Students who live in the Health Sciences LLC will have special access to faculty and staff in the College of Health Sciences, as well as the ability to get first-hand experience with all of the fun and exciting things happening in the College.


LLC Highlights

  • Trips across campus and the Richmond/Lexington communities to connect with professionals and alumni from the College of Health Sciences
  • Opportunities to visit practice labs with faculty and staff to get hands-on experience
  • Special study groups and tutors in the residence hall specializing in College of Health Sciences courses and Gen Ed’s

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in the Health Sciences LLC will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course, HSO 100, with fellow residents.


*Who?* For students officially accepted into the EKU Honors program.

*What?* The Honors LLC provides honors students the opportunity to live and learn together in a tight-knit community. The Honors LLC provides an opportunity to engage through monthly Honors Hours sessions and a variety of social events based on student interests.


LLC Highlights

  • RAs who are honors students and have been through the same honors experiences, providing guidance and mentorship.
  • Interest groups created by RAs with buy-in from residents to provide programming in a wide variety of areas (cooking, crafts, outdoor activities, gaming, etc.)
  • Monthly “Honors Hour” events hosted by honors program faculty and staff on a topic of importance to the honors community.

Academic Course

  • Students who live in the Honors LLC have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course with fellow residents.

Justice and Safety

*Who?* For students majoring/minoring in degree programs in the College of Justice & Safety.

*What?* The Justice and Safety LLC provides students the opportunity to live on the same floor as other students in their major. Through unique opportunities, coursework and fun events, these students form a close-knit community with each other and faculty/staff from the College of Justice & Safety.


LLC Highlights

  • Monthly opportunities to connect with faculty and staff members in the College of Justice Safety
  • Activities connecting students with College of Justice and Safety alumni and professionals in the field
  • Annual events such as the 9/11 Tribute (traditional event at EKU) and a welcome back BBQ
  • Trips to various Justice and Safety sites in the Kentucky/Ohio/Tennessee region
  • Spring career fair opportunities for our Justice and Safety majors. This College Career Fair has over 40 local, state and federal attendees to recruit our students every March. This is a great networking opportunity for internships and co-ops.
  • We offer advising and tutoring, guest speaker lectures and much more!

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in Justice and Safety LLC will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered JSO 101 course with fellow residents.


*Who?* For students who are members of the NOVA and/or TRiO program.

*What?* The NOVA LLC provides a home for students admitted to the NOVA Program. Students who live in the NOVA LLC have the unique ability to connect closely with Residence Life and NOVA staff members, as well as form a close bond with other NOVA students through planned events and activities.


LLC Highlights

  • Connect with your fellow NOVA students at paint nights, trivia, and other fun events!
  • “Adulting 101” workshops are held to discuss every day life problems.
  • Community service opportunities available.
  • Free tutoring services in the residence hall lobby


*Who?* For students majoring/minoring in degree programs in Construction Management, Engineering Technology Management, and Manufacturing Engineering programs.

*What?* The new Engineering LLC will be home to our students enrolled in the designated programs from the School of Engineering, Aviation, Construction, and Technology. Students who live in the LLC will attend special events with their faculty and staff, and form close bonds with their classmates in this developing community.

PGA Golf Management

*Who?* For students majoring in the PGA Golf Management program.

*What?*  The PGM LLC provides students with the opportunity to live in a tight-knit community with first-year and returners in their program, while also providing students with the ability to connect with various faculty, staff, alumni, and golf professionals. 


LLC Highlights

  • Weekly golf competitions at the Arlington Golf and Country Club.
  • Opportunities to connect and engage with faculty members in the PGA Golf Management Program.
  • Alumni networking events as well as fun social opportunities, like the Masters Watch party.
  • Activities in the residence hall focused on success as a member of the PGA Golf Management Program, including resume reviews with alumni and connections with internship opportunities.

Academic Course

  • Students who participate in the PGM LLC will have the opportunity to participate in a clustered course (BTO 101) with fellow residents.

Housing and Residence Life

521 Lancaster Avenue
Mail: CPO 51, Whitlock Room 552
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-1515


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