National Student Clearinghouse is the official agent for all of the following verifications:
Quick Links
Generate Your Free EKU Enrollment Verification
Car Insurance Company – Good Student Discounts
Most car insurance companies accept a copy of the “Printable Grade Report” which reflects a student’s GPA and academic standing. This is the official university grade report and printing it from your secure student web account is the only method of obtaining university verification of your GPA, unless you request an official university transcript. The EKU Grade Report may be obtained through MyEKU.
Note that new students, attending EKU during their first semester, will not have a grade report until they have finished the semester and earned final grades. Therefore EKU students during their first semester should provide car insurance companies with transcripts from their high school or previous institution to prove they are deserving of a good student car insurance discount. After completion of their first semester EKU students will then have an EKU Grade Report available for this purpose.
Any other needs regarding good student discount verification or enrollment verification must be requested through the Office of the Registrar, Whitlock Building, room 239.
Good Standing Forms for Transferring Students
These forms are prepared in the Office of the Registrar, Whitlock 239. Once the appropriate request form has been filled out, the completed verification will be ready for pick up the following afternoon or can be mailed within the same time frame.