Services: | Keen Johnson |
Windows: Installation of Windows updates | X |
Apple OSX: Installation of OSX operating systems updates | X |
Advanced Troubleshooting | X |
Basic Driver Troubleshooting | X |
Basic Network Troubleshooting | X |
Cloud Printing Driver: Configure computers to print to the University’s printing system | X |
Electronics Recycling: Recycle old electronics | X |
Equipment Checkout: Checkout electronics | X |
Gaming Console \ Board Game Checkout: 3-day checkouts | X |
Malware and Virus Removal: Removal of malware from a computer for improved security and performance | X |
Malwarebytes Anti-Malware: Install removal program (trial\free version) | X |
Microsoft Office 365: Configure computers and smart devices to connect with Microsoft Office 365 | X |
Software: Update assistance for browsers and browser plugins and general software installation | X |
Tech Talks: Free technology training and tutoring | X |
Service and Support
IT Geeks
521 Lancaster Avenue
Keen Johnson Basement
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-GEEK (4335)