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Home 9 Maker Stories 9 Tyler Webster

Tyler Webster

I have knowledge on building PCs with various parts of hardware. I have a gaming PC that I’ve been slowly building up. I’m also trying to learn black hat python to learn how to hack and counter-hack. I do a side business where I create websites for companies. 

Business website page, Gaming Computers, Hacking and counter hacking computers.

For website design a company I used to work for saw some of my projects that I had completed for one of my programming classes and offered me a job to create a website for them. For gaming computers and their hardware, I helped my brother put together a computer and I enjoyed it and started a project computer for myself. For hacking and counter-hacking I bought some textbooks to learn a new programming language with an interest in internet security.

I have a new project that I am working on for another company to design a website for them. I am also in the process of updating my gaming computer with new hardware. Finally, I am currently learning how to properly build programs using python.

IT Geeks

521 Lancaster Avenue
Keen Johnson Basement
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-GEEK (4335)

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