Search Committee Chair
- Contact Human Resources to open search committee training for search committee members.
- Maintain Search Committee Records, including
- Candidate CVs, application letters, and other application documents (if distributed outside of OES)
- Criteria and evaluation rubrics
- Interview questions
- All other evaluative tools and candidate assessments
- Interview schedules
- Position descriptions
- Search Committee membership and documentation, including training certification and Confidentiality Agreements
- Search budget/expense documents
- Approval memos, emails, etc.
- Review and follow up on potential conflicts of interest or breaches in confidentiality as needed.
- At the conclusion of the search, provide a copy of all search materials to the Department Chair for forwarding to the Provost’s Office for record maintenance.
- During the closing of the search, notify candidates via OES who were interviewed but not selected for the position.
Search Committee
- Complete search committee training or have current training certification (within last 12 months). Provide certification to Search Committee Chair.
- Protect the privacy of all applicants and preserve the integrity of the search.
- Complete the Academic Affairs Confidentiality Agreement.
- Report potential conflicts of interest or breaches in confidentiality to the Search Committee Chair or to the Department Chair.
- Develop a criteria and evaluation rubric for rating candidates based on minimum and preferred qualifications.
- Develop and submit finalist interview questions and a selection rubric to the Dean or designee for review, with a copy to the Department Chair.
- Ensure that assessments and decisions regarding candidates reflect evaluative tools, are documented, and are based on CVs, supporting documentation, and/or interviews, where applicable.
- Review applications utilizing evaluative tools and rubric.
- May determine a preliminary list of candidates and conduct phone interviews at this stage.
- Determine a short list of candidates, typically 3-5 people and notify the Department Chair.
- Schedule and interview candidates.
- All Search Committee members should participate in each interview.
- Approved interview questions should be applied consistently.
- Notes should be taken that document candidate strengths and weaknesses, including reasons for non-hire. Search Committee notes should be kept as part of the search records.
- Identify a candidate recommendation(s) and evaluate candidate references.
- Provide hiring feedback/proposal to the Department Chair for review.
- Provide additional hiring recommendation(s), where appropriate.
- At the conclusion of the search, purge extraneous copies of search records from committee members’ files.