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Candidate Tracking

The Department Chair tracks applicant candidacy in the Online Employment System (OES), which includes moving unsuccessful applicants in the workflow by entering reasons for non-selection and a disposition code. For assistance with tracking applicants in OES or disposition codes, contact the college Human Resource Business Partner (HRBP).

Tracking Candidate Shortlists

Upon selection of the short-list by the Search Committee, the Department Chair  will submit the short list of candidates to OIE in OES and notify the Dean or designee of short-listed candidates for minimum faculty qualifications review. Applicants not selected must also be assigned a disposition code in OES.

Short List Candidate Review

Department Chair –> OIE –> Dean/Designee

Tracking Final Recommendations

Upon recommendation of a candidate(s) for reference check, the Department Chair will move the selected candidate(s) into the “Reference Check” workflow state in OES.

Department Chair