Looking for a job? Many available jobs are never advertised in any print media. So how can you learn about these “hidden” jobs? The answer is networking…
What is networking?
Networking accounts for a substantial amount of all career placements. It means using personal and professional contacts to help you be-come aware of positions that may be open with-in a variety of organizations.
The Purpose of Networking
Through the process of networking you can let people know the following:
- You are actively looking for a job
- Your skills.
- What type of career you are seeking.
The people in your network may be able to re-fer you to organizations that are currently hiring or even to help you to get interviews or actual job offers.
Who’s in Your Network?
As a college student, you may think that you have no contacts who can help, but everyone you know has a potential to be a useful contact in your job search. Be inclusive when you decide who is a member of your network! Consider starting with:
- Relatives
- Friends and acquaintances
- Classmates, teammates, and co-workers
- Supervisors
- Colleagues from professional organizations and religious groups
- Former teachers and faculty
Let these people know your needs. Listen to their ideas and suggestions. Ask them for names of others who might be helpful in your search.
Develop a Tracking System
Develop a record keeping or card file system for keeping track of each phone call, letter, inter-view, follow-up, and promise. Without this, you may soon become quite confused.
Be Professional
Effective networking can be a tremendous boost to a job search, but employing inappropriate techniques can cause you to lose valuable opportunities. As long as you approach people to whom you are referred in a professional and courteous manner, most people will be willing to share information because they like to help others and/or they want to stay “well-connected”. When speaking to a contact to whom you have been referred, mention the name of the person who referred you early in the conversation.
Return the Favor
Also remember that networking is a two-way street. You are developing a network of people to help you, and you should expect to return the favor. You might do the following:
- Send an article on a topic of mutual interest.
- Offer to treat them to lunch.
- Send a simple thank you note to individuals who have been particularly helpful
When your job search is concluded, let them know that you have obtained a position and thank them once again. Then, keep in touch with them periodically. They can be vital to your future professional development.
By Dr. Lawrence Crouch