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We are here to help

If you need help or want to set up services, simply call us at 859-622-1303, or stop by our office in Whitlock Building Room 571 to schedule an appointment.

The EKU Counseling Center is committed to the promotion and celebration of diversity in all forms. We provide a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment for all persons that seek our services. Our services are available to ALL CURRENTLY ENROLLED EKU STUDENTS at no cost. Services are confidential as delineated by Kentucky State Law and American Psychological Association Code of Ethics.

counselor talking to person
a smiley face
a calendar with a checkmark
a hand taking a hand
a lotus flower
a clock face
a lighted siren
a life preserver
a question mark

Therapy Groups and Drop-in Supportive Spaces

EKUCC offers group therapy, drop-in supportive spaces, and drop-in mental health and wellness groups.

All therapy groups and drop-in spaces meet WEEKLY at a specific time and location.

Counseling Center

521 Lancaster Avenue
CPO 52, Whitlock Building Room #571
Richmond, KY 40475-3152
Phone: 859-622-1303

Connect with CC @ EKU