Counseling Center
Whitlock Building
Room 571
Hours – Fall & Spring Semesters:
Mon – Fri: 8 am – 4:30 pm
Hours – Summer Semesters:
Mon – Thur: 7:30 am – 5 pm
Counseling Center
The EKU Counseling Center is committed to the promotion and celebration of diversity in all forms. We provide a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment for all persons that seek our services. Our services are available to all currently enrolled students at no cost. Services are confidential as delineated by Kentucky State Law and American Psychological Association Code of Ethics.
Emergency Services
In any life-threatening situation, such as a suicide attempt, alcohol or drug overdose, or serious mental health crisis, call 911 (from campus phone: 2-1111) or proceed immediately to the Baptist Health Emergency Room at Baptist Health Hospital located on the Eastern Bypass (phone: 859-623-3131).
EKUCC offers mental health support and crisis services to EKU students, or those concerned about a student, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week including weekends, evenings, holidays, and during university closures. This is an extension of EKUCC services and can assist a caller in any mental health crisis situation.
To access EKUCC after hours mental health support and crisis services, please call 859-622-1303.