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Academic Departments

The College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences houses departments and programs in the arts, the humanities, and social and behavioral sciences. If you would like additional information on a specific department and its academic programs, please contact the department or department chair.

Institute for the Creative and Collaborative Arts

Art, Communication, Music, Design
Professor Ida Kumoji-Ankrah, Chair

School of Art and Design

Professor Ida Kumoji-Ankrah, Director
Campbell 309
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

School of Communication

Dr. Ginny Whitehouse, Director
Combs 317
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

School of Music

Dr. Keith Talley, Director
Campbell 309
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

Department of English

Dr. Charlotte Rich, Interim Chair
336 Beckham Hall
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

Department of Government

Prof Lynnette Noblitt, Esq., Chair
Commonwealth 1510
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

Department of History, Philosophy, and Religious Studies

Dr. Mark Conard, Chair
Keith 323
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

Department of Language and Cultural Studies, Anthropology, and Sociology

Dr. Abbey Poffenberger, Chair
McCreary Hall, Tower A, Room 115
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

Department of Psychology

Dr. Jaime Henning, Interim Chair
Cammack 127
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

Department of Social Work

Assistant Professor Stephanie Saulnier, Chair
Keith 223
521 Lancaster Avenue
Richmond, KY 40475

College of Letters, Arts, and Social Sciences

521 Lancaster Ave.
103 Roark Bldg.
Richmond, Kentucky 40475
Phone: 859-622-2222