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Teaching Pathways

Get a Head Start in High School

If you are a high school student and know that you want to teach middle or high school math and/or science, take these steps NOW to ensure your success as an undergraduate at EKU.

Take these classes in high school

  • Don’t put off taking math or science classes. If you want to be a math or science teacher, taking these as many science and math classes as possible in high school puts you at an advantage during your freshman year in college.
  • Use your elective hours in junior/senior year to visit other teachers and observe their classes. Contact your school counselor about job shadowing opportunities and how to schedule your electives.
  • Does your high school have a Career and Technical Education Teaching and Learning Career Pathway? If your school is on the list, talk to your counselor about how to get started in the teaching pathway. In Kentucky’s Teaching and Learning career pathway you can explore teaching and acquire skills that will be helpful as an educator and in other professions while earning credit toward your college degree.

Keep up your GPA

Standard Freshman Admissions at EKU: High School Cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher.

Test scores are not required for admissions purposes, but students are encouraged to submit test scores for proper course placement in English, mathematics and science courses. We accept ACT and SAT test scores for placement. See the Office of Admissions Freshman Guide for more details.

Investigate your future

  • Investigate job openings in Kentucky. Teaching jobs are always available due to the shortage of qualified math and science teachers. Check out the current openings to review the opportunities that may be available when you graduate.
  • Join clubs at your school for future educators. Does your high school have an Educators Rising chapter? Educators Rising Kentucky is a student organization for middle and high school students interested in the field of education-related careers. Through local chapter or individual membership, Educators Rising Kentucky students have opportunities to participate in projects that assist and recognize educator practices through local, state, and national conferences, as well as performance-based competitions. Educators Rising is transforming how America develops aspiring teachers. Starting with high school students, Educators Rising provides passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustain their interest in the profession, and help them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators.

Activities at EKU you can do now

  • Attend Math and Science Week at EKU
    Each year, the College of Science holds a Celebration of Science and Mathematics Week in September to highlight science and mathematics programs at EKU. The event showcases EKU’s state-of-the-art building and facilities, the dedication and excellence of our faculty, students, and staff, and ongoing engagement with alumni, donors, retired science and mathematics faculty, local high schools, and the community at large, and our commitment to diversity.
  • Attend EKU’s SOLUTIONS: Science and Math Camp
    This 5-day residential summer camp experience is open to all rising high school juniors and seniors. The camp is held in the new state-of-the-art science building on EKU’s campus. Learn about college majors, the application process, financial aid and scholarships, and career options. Meet EKU faculty, see learning facilities, and get to know other students who are interested in STEM fields.


Teach Grades 5-12 Math and/or Science

Middle School Education (5th grade – 9th grade)

Select two areas of emphasis from:

  • English and Communications
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Studies


Choose dual certification in one middle grades content area AND one of the following special education areas:

  • Education in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (P-12)
  • Special Education Learning and Behavior Disorders (P-12)

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High School Education (8th grade – 12th grade)

To get certification to teach in grades 5-12 or 8-12, you will complete an academic major in the College of Science as you are also taking teacher preparation courses in the College of Education. You will have two academic advisors – one in the College of Science, and one in the College of Education – to help you navigate your classes and guide you through the process. You can choose from these majors:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Math
  • Physics
  • Career and Technical Education Teaching: Agriculture Education

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Minor in Teaching

Add a minor in any of these areas to your degree. You must couple the minor with a major in teaching in another area. A minor in teaching alone does not certify you to teach.

  • Biology Teaching
  • Earth Science Teaching
  • Chemistry Teaching
  • Math Teaching
  • Physics Teaching

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Brand-New Pathway

Option 9 is a brand-new pathway for paraeducators across the state of Kentucky. This alternative route to certification was created through state legislature in the 2022 session. Eastern Kentucky University is proud to be a part of a program that gives educational opportunities to paraeducators across the state.


Expedited Route

Option 9 is an expedited route to certification that results in a bachelor’s degree and initial Elementary Education certification in 3 school years. This route utilizes experienced teachers to provide coaching and mentoring. This option requires that a candidate be employed in a classified position while completing coursework.

This route does not allow the candidate to serve as a teacher while enrolled in this option. The route only provides for initial certification once the candidate completes a bachelor’s degree and certification assessments. The candidate does not hold a certificate while completing the route.



Rachael Hubbard, EKU College of Education graduate and currently a 6th grade math teacher, received her bachelor’s in elementary education, but returned to EKU to get her master’s degree in middle grades education, and is certified in math and English. She credits her almost 300 hours of clinical and student teaching experiences while at EKU with preparing her for her own classroom.

College of Education and Applied Human Sciences

521 Lancaster Avenue
Bert Combs 420
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-1175

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