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Eastern Kentucky University

College of Business

Business 5 Student Organizations

Student Organizations

Employers believe involvement outside the classroom is an important indicator of your potential, personality, and adaptability. Participating in campus organizations, especially in leadership roles, displays your capacity to lead in business.

Being involved in a business student professional organization will help you learn more about your career field and future career opportunities. You will meet business leaders, benefit from their experience, and develop closer relationships with other students and faculty.

College of Business student professional organizations meet university standards and are guided by interested faculty members. Some have been active long enough to have their own rich traditions.

Get involved early!

  • Build your personal and professional network.
  • Learn from educational & professional developmental opportunities.
  • Become a leader!
Accounting Student

Association of Supply Chain Management (ASCM)

The ASCM organization at Eastern Kentucky University is a registered student chapter of the Association for Supply Chain Management (ASCM). A dynamic and thriving community of students who are passionate about supply chain management and operations. Open to all business students, this organization serves as a hub where students come together to explore the world of supply chain management. It provides a platform for those who share a common interest in this topic, offering opportunities for learning, collaboration, and personal growth. The chapter achieves this by inviting distinguished speakers from elite companies across the region, organizing plant tours, participating in community service activities, and hosting workshops.
Contact: Dr. Amir Naderpour
859.622.1094 |

Business students

Center for the Public Trust

The Center for Public Trust acquaints members with career opportunities in accounting and is open to all accounting majors or students enrolled in any accounting course. Activities include guest speakers from the accounting profession and opportunities to interact with accountants working in public, private, and governmental fields as well as trips to accounting firms and organizations.
Contact: Dr. Sarah Feltus or Dr. Mary Beth Healy.
859.622.3174 | |

Business Student

American Marketing Association EKU Chapter

Open to marketing and other business students. The AMA undertakes real-world projects that provide students with professional development opportunities beyond the classroom. Activities include guest speakers, field trips, and interaction with area marketing managers. Paid members get to use the nationwide AMA job database and service.
Contact: Dr. Lixun Su
859.622.7016 |

Business students

Berman Center for Professional Sales (Pi Sigma Epsilon)

The Berman Center for Professional Sales works to develop and support the next generation of Sales Leaders. Additionally, the Center provides coaching and development opportunities to students across Kentucky by building their communication, presentation, and selling skills to advance their careers regardless of major. Eastern Kentucky University chartered the Eta Chi chapter of the Pi Sigma Epsilon national sales, marketing, and management fraternity in 2021.
Contact: Mr. Ed Gogol
859.622.7611 |

Business Students

Financial Management Association (FMA)

Open to all students with an interest in finance. The FMA provides opportunities for professional interaction among academics, practitioners, and students while promoting the development and understanding of basic and applied research of sound financial practices. Meets Tuesdays at 5:00 p.m. Activities include Mock Investment Club, field trips, guest speakers, and social functions.
Contact: Dr. Tahsin Huq
859.622.4985 |

Gamma Iota Sigma Logo

Gamma Iota Sigma

Open to all students majoring in Risk Management and Insurance studies. Develops students’ knowledge of career opportunities in the risk management and insurance profession. Activities include networking opportunities with industry experts, career development, social functions, industry conferences to Chicago, New York, and others, and participation in the fall national conference of Gamma Iota Sigma, the national risk management and insurance fraternity. Visit EKU’s Gamma Iota Sigma page to learn more.
Contact: EKU Insurance Studies, Mr. Mike Weglarz
859.622.1579 |


Business students

Institute of Managerial Accountants (IMA)

The Student IMA Chapter at EKU connects students interested in a career in management accounting or corporate finance with opportunities to network with professionals in these fields, develop skills relevant to the profession, learn about the myriad opportunities in the profession, and connect with the local professional IMA Chapter (Bluegrass Area IMA).
Contact: Dr. JP Stearns
859.622.1592 |

Business Students

Investment Club

The investment group aims to provide a place for EKU students to discuss, begin or manage investments that hold their interests. Also providing a place for those students to meet and talk about their current standings and investment goals.
Contact: Dr. Tahsin Huq
859.622.4985 |

Business Student

Marketing Club

Open to marketing and other business students. The Marketing Club undertakes real-world projects that provide students with professional development opportunities beyond the classroom. Activities include guest speakers, field trips, and interaction with area marketing managers.
Contact: Dr. Lixun Su
859.622.7016 |

Business Students

Phi Beta Lambda (Future Business Leaders of America)

PBL (FBLA) is a national organization for all students with an interest in business. PBL bridges the gap from the classroom to the business world by helping students learn about the business community by promoting competent business leadership, understanding American business enterprise, establishing career goals, encouraging scholarship, promoting sound financial management, and developing character and confidence. Activities include business speakers, participation in state and national conferences and competitions, development of professional skills, and social gatherings.
Contact: Dr. James Blair
859.622.8611 |


Professional Golf Management (PGM)

The PGM Student Association is open to and managed by PGM Golf Management students, who elect officers, prepare regular meeting schedules, and develop meeting agendas. All EKU Golf Management students are members. Along with providing leadership opportunities and skill development, the Association organizes and conducts the PGM Tournament Program, social events, mandatory student checkpoint review sessions, community service events, and assists the Kentucky Golf Association and the Kentucky Section PGA with special events when needed.
Contact: Ms. Kim Kincer
859.622.4976 |

Business Student

Society for Advancement of Management (SAM)

Open to all business students. SAM promotes interaction with professionals in all disciplines, increases awareness and knowledge of career opportunities, and encourages cross-functional participation in activities that will benefit students’ choice of career and future success. Meets monthly. Activities include speakers, workshops, plant tours, fund-raisers, case competitions and trips to the national SAM conference if funds permit. Visit EKU’s SAM page for more information.
Contact: Dr. Qian Xiao
859.622.7349 |

Business Student

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

Maroon SHRM at EKU is the student chapter affiliated with SHRM, the world’s largest human resource (HR) association dedicated to creating better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together. Our mission is to empower people and workplaces by advancing HR practices and maximizing human potential. Maroon SHRM welcomes any student interested in gaining insight into the management of organizations’ most valuable assets—the people. Our diverse activities include engaging in open forums, attending seminars, participating in field visits, analyzing case studies, networking with industry professionals, attending conferences, collaborating on HR-related projects, and more. Join us on this exciting journey of learning, growth, and professional development. Visit EKU’s SHRM page to learn more.
​Contact: Dr. Ki-Jung Kim
859.622.8005 |


College of Business

521 Lancaster Avenue
BTC 214, Business and Technology Center
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-1409 (For general inquiries)
Fax: 859-622-1413

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