Welcome to the EKU College of Business! Thank you for visiting our website and learning more about us. As a School of Opportunity, our mission is to develop knowledge leaders of integrity, inclusion, and service with a student-centered commitment to excellence. Please take a moment to explore our AACSB-accredited business programs that place us in the top 5% of all business schools globally!
As an alumnus myself, I can speak to the quality educational experience that provides exceptional preparation for lifelong learning and meaningful careers in any sector, any industry, anywhere in the world. We are large enough to offer a wide variety of programs and disciplines yet maintain a personal touch through tailored advising and student enrichment activities.
Our faculty members create new knowledge, advance scholarship, and provide world-class instruction, while our staff continually pursue best practices that make EKU’s College of Business the college of choice for students seeking a business degree. Upon graduation, you join a global network of successful alumni who increase the value of your degree through their demonstrated leadership, continuous involvement that expands connections, and financial support that ensures opportunity for the next generation.
Thank you for your interest in our college. Please call, email, connect with us on social media, or meet us on campus. I invite you to consider joining the Exceptional Eastern Experience!
Dr. Tom Martin
Dean, College of Business