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Financial Aid Forms

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Discharged Loan Form – Required for students who have had one or more student loans discharged because of total and permanent disability and are reapplying for financial aid.

EKU Consortium Form (PDF, 155 Kb) – Required for students enrolled concurrently at EKU and at another institution during the same term with EKU being the home

Fresh Start Initiative Borrower AcknowledgmentBorrowers with federal student loans in default will be able to reenter current repayment status and have other federal student aid benefits and protections restored that will increase their long-term repayment success.

Graduate Enrollment Status Form (PDF, 138 Kb) – The Graduate cost of attendance is based on enrollment of 6 credit hours per semester. If you enroll in more than 6 credit hours, you may request your cost of attendance to be adjusted accordingly.

PLUS Loan Denial Exemption (PDF, 309 Kb) – Dependent students may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loan amounts if the student can document exceptional circumstances which prevent a parent from borrowing a PLUS loan. This is for parents who were approved who cannot borrow the loan or parents who cannot initially apply (usually due to bankruptcy). Supporting documentation must be provided.

Scholarship/Other Aid Resources Form (PDF, 16 Kb) – Used to report up to six other financial aid resources which are not listed with Big E Central.

Unsubsidized Loan for Dependent Students – This form is for dependent students whose parents refuse to provide their information for the student’s FAFSA, and the student is not eligible for a special circumstances professional judgement. If this form is not completed, the FAFSA cannot be processed for the student to receive any Federal Aid.