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Student Organizations

students in the color guard perform on the football field

Pre-Veterinary Club

a baton twirler performs on the street during a parade

Agriculture Club

the Maroonettes perform with the band playing in the background

Horticulture Club

batons lit with fire during a Marching Colonels performance

Delta Tau Alpha Honor Society

The Department of Agriculture offers several opportunities for students to get engaged outside of the classroom. Students can be an active club participant and/or choose to run as an elected officer. Clubs are open to all agricultural students and offer a fun, relaxed environment. Underclassmen are especially encouraged to get involved in a club their freshman year! Club events are a great way for younger students to connect with upperclassmen who can provide mentorship and guidance. Many students are involved in multiple student organizations with the department or on other parts of campus. While the department encourages student led clubs, all student organizations have one or more faculty advisors to provide guidance, assist with formalities, and help secure other means of support as requested.

Agriculture Club

Advisor, Dr. Mike McDermott

The EKU Ag Club is open to any students who have a general passion for anything agriculture, and a desire to get more involved. Members participate in agricultural outreach events at local schools, host community trunk-or-treats, and student fellowship events, such as dinners, celebrations, hiking and more! Members also acquire networking opportunities, a greater understanding of agriculture, outreach opportunities, and a club T-shirt! Want to know more? Contact the club president or Dr. McDermott.

Block and Bridle Club

Advisor Dr. Andrea Sexten

Block and Bridle is a national organization, members are college students from all over the country who are interested in farm animals. The EKU Block and Bridle club is affiliated with the national organization and the club participates in the national convention each year.

The objectives of the Block and Bridle Club are: 1) To promote a higher scholastic standard and a more complete understanding of the field of Animal Sciences among student members, 2) To promote Animal Sciences through the development of a program of activities, especially all phases of student Animal Science work in colleges and Universities, and 3) To bring about a closer relationship among all students pursing some phase of the Animal Sciences as a profession. To learn more, contact the club president or Dr. Sexten.

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Delta Tau Alpha Honor Society

Advisor Dr. Andrea Sexten

DTA is the Agriculture Honor Society. Invited members are in the top 35% of their graduating class with at least 45 college credit hours, and meet the high standards of character as established by the national organization. Members participate in community service events, attend the national DTA convention, and engage in networking opportunities. Members will gain leadership skills, increased involvement in EKU Ag, resume builders, and friends! To learn more, contact the club president or Dr. Sexten.

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Horticulture Club

Advisor, Carla Hagan

The Horticulture Club meets monthly and usually shares a meal. Guest speakers bring a professional perspective. Meetings include financial reporting and activity planning. EKU Horticulture conducts the annual Poinsettia Sale in the fall and performs landscape installation and maintenance jobs as money-making activities. Club members also take field trips to horticulture related sites and events and enjoy socializing and fellowship outside the classroom. Dues are $5 per semester.

Pre-Veterinary Club

Advisor, Dr. Jessica Kenealy

Students who are interested in attending veterinary school are encouraged to join the Pre-Vet Club. Club events include attendance to the annual national American Pre-Veterinary Medical Association symposium, trips to visit veterinary schools, networking events with industry leaders, and service events with local animal organizations. Members acquire knowledge of careers in veterinary medicine, leadership skills, a T-shirt, friendship, mentorship and support! Interested? Contact the club president, Dr. Kenealy, or Dr. Sexten.

National Association of Landscape Professionals (NALP)

Advisors, Carla Hagan and John Duvall

PLANET Student Chapter members attend the National Convention where they participate in Student Career Days, the Career Fair, student competitive events, and sight seeing. The Chapter also hosts money making events.

Golf Course Superintendents Association of America - Student Chapter

Department of Agriculture

521 Lancaster Avenue
A.B. Carter Building
Richmond, KY 40475
Phone: 859-622-2228
Fax: 859-622-6676

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